Little Paxton and St Neots. Cambridgeshire. December 2007.
Myself and my dad travelled to both sites to look for the, firstly, Great white egret at Little paxton. On arrival the news that it had flown out of sight greeted us but not too long after it appeared out of nowhere on a sandy shoreline giving good views throught the scope. Getting a photo was awkward due to looking through bushes but i grabbed a record shot before it once again vanished. We waited a while with no luck and so decided to move onto nearby St Neots to look for the Cattle egret that was part of a huge influx in the country at this time. We were greeted with good scope views on arrival but after a short spell it was spooked by the kids from the adjacent travellers site and disapeared out of sight and wasnt relocated until later in the day before eventually returning to the same field, but we had departed by then. This was the second only for me and both in cambs' and a new tick for my dad to end the year on.