At first i thought i saw a starling caught up in something on the ground with its wings out and flapping around the leaf litter, but on going closer to inspect it turned out it was fighting another starling which was hidden beneath it and well and truly attacked. My approach scared them off, but it was only a matter of time before they were fighting again and this time the second bird was only able to scurry away, and when the third attack started the starling pictured here was at deaths door and so i stepped in collected the bird and gave it to derek who placed it in a ringing bag to rest and the thought was it would not survive such a beating. But lo and behold after an hour the bag was moving a lot and on inspection seemed okay and so was ringed and let off away from the area it was attacked, hopefully it will fair better. The starling was a female and the census was that it was 2 females fighting over a nesting hole and/or a male bird.