.Green Tiger Beetle.
With my Mum and Dad staying with me and Sarah, we all decided to go for a walk around The Lodge RSPB on Sunday morning (10th). I was particularly keen on trying to get an image of a Common Lizard, especially after Sarah had photographed one with her mobile just the other day. the weather was nice and warm, Buzzards calling, plenty of butterflies on the wing along with large numbers of Bumble Bees, mostly Red-tailed. On the first stop and search I located 3 Lizards moving through the leaf litter but unfortunately a picture was out of the question, as they kept hidden.
Whilst looking for Lizards my Dad and I noticed what we thought was a spider attacking some sort of fly, but as we watched more it turned out to be the other way around. We did not no what the species was so we would have to look that up later, but we looked on as it attacked the spider and either kill it or paralyse it. It then dragged the spider around obviously taking it to home or a safe place to devour. Considering the size of the spider to the attacker the ground it covered dragging it was phenomenal, and when it left it on a few occasions and disappeared it would return and trace its steps back to where it lay and drag it off again. We actually located 2 close by and the other one was busily excavating out a small hole on the sandy path. When we returned to the Lodge shop I went straight to the insect books and found what this predator was, and find it I did, a spider hunting wasp 'Anoplius Viaticus'. I was glad I had gotten a few shots and will definitely keep an eye out for them again.
Spider - Hunting Wasp