A diary of my wildlife encounters.
By Mike Lawrence
May 2008.
Wet weather kept me from going out a lot along with work but on a couple of occasions that i was able to venture out i stayed local to home, entering cambridgeshire, hertfordshire and bedfordshire. A visit to Knapwell woods provided very little except for 2 foxes hunting along the field edges. The local dumps had a few yellow wagtails about gving some good close views. A group of 4 linnets were ever present but far too wary to provide a chance of photographing. Also very noticeable this year were the number of hares present in the adjoining fields. The swallow and house martin numbers seemed low and on only 1 occasion did a pair of swallows come down. At a local site in bedfordshire the wet weather had proved a problem for the plovers. Only 1 little ringed plover was seen and just 1 pair of ringed plover. The reed buntings were very active gathering insects and posing very well when searching the vegetation. But not many damselflies or dragonflies were observed due to the weather, instead remaining hidden, no doubt along with the butterflies, with only 1 common blue seen on one day. But an added bonus on the last trip out was a solitary grey partridge at one of the dumps, which didnt seem to be in a hurry to leave before id grabbed some shots.