This is an old image of the Dartford Warbler at Sandy RSPB, back in 2005 I think, shame I didn't get views like this at Aspley Heath. 

Aspley Heath. Bedfordshire. Nov 2013.

 My Dad and I travelled to Aspley Heath to connect with the Dartford Warblers there. The day started dry and bright but unfortunately the sun only lasted half an hour before the grey clouds blanketed the sky, with the temperature dropping too. There was a pair of Green Woodpeckers that were really active and unusually staying quite close. 
 My Dad and I thought we both had quick glimpses of one of the Dartfords, but couldn't be sure, and I thought I heard a brief call. But after 2 and a half hours we decided to head back home, and as sod's law would have it, all of a sudden one of the warblers sat up on the gorse further away calling briefly before darting back into cover.
 We then headed back for another go at it, I was able to view it on a few occasions but not good enough for a photo, it stayed very low where the gorse met the grasses, it gave itself up a couple of times for my Dad to connect then we decided to once again head home. If it hangs around then I may try another time.

Goldfinch. DWE. Nov 2013.

DWE. Biggleswade 21st Nov 2013.

Took a walk around Derek White Eggs this morning, I was hoping that the Whooper Swans were still present from the previous day but unfortunately there was no sign. It was very quiet with all activity on the main lake, quite a few lapwings and and a single Little Egret alongside a couple of hundred Greylag geese. The only songbirds seen were a few Goldfinch,Reed Bunting, Pied Wagtail and Starling.

Northern Harrier. Ouse Washes RSPB. October 2013.

 The weather forecast was cloudy and dull, but the next few days looked like more rain moving in so Sarah and I decided to make do with a grey but dry day and head to the Ouse Washes RSPB. Our target was a  female Northern Harrier that was present. The journey was disrupted to say the least due to complete stand still on the A14, which we just about avoided being stuck in, so we made our way around the back roads getting there just before midday. The Northern Harrier had been reported that morning so we were eager to get to the hides. I knew that the views would be distant at best but hoped for better views than I had of the Northern Harrier in Norfolk the other year.
It wasn't long before we had a distant view of the Northern', it quartered the grass fields to the far side of the washes. But you immediately noticed the orange underparts to the bird, it really stood out. It kept to the rear of the washes and would regularly disappear behind a small wooded area. There was a ringtail Hen Harrier showing as well as a few Marsh Harriers. The hide had a nice flypast from a small group of Whooper swans whilst awaiting the Northern to reappear. 

 When the female Hen Harrier appeared it seemed the Northern Harrier would not be too far away. These next shots are distant cropped in shots but show the interaction between the Northern and Hen Harrier. 
They spent a lot of time in a grass field, where they would appear to play hunt together. 

You can see the Hen Harrier below (left) carrying what we all thought was a rat but turned out to be a clump of dark weedy grass. 

The Northern Harrier then would fly in and steal the clump of grass as the Hen Harrier would then land close by. 

 It was great to watch the play interaction between the two birds. Even when they left to quarter the nearby marshes, they would return to the field and restart the playing.
 At one time it brought an interested Marsh Harrier in, thinking they had prey it pounced towards the Northern harrier before departing after finding there was no food.

On just the one occasion whilst the Northern was chasing the Hen Harrier, did it venture closer for a couple of seconds, it was at this time I cursed myself for leaving my bean bag in the car, but I managed to grab a couple of shots whilst resting the lens on the hide window. Compared to the Norfolk bird, this time I had good views of this lovely Harrier, and a new species for Sarah too. The weather and light was drawing in and it felt colder, the Harrier didn't look like coming closer and as it disappeared behind the wood again I headed off home, hoping the traffic had cleared.

Fun Time with Fungi ! Potton Woods. October 2013.

 A week or so ago, Sarah and I had taken a walk through Potton woods, close to where we live. We had found quite a few specimens of Fungi so I decided then that I would return for a photograph session. By the time I was able to get back there due to the horrendous weather, most of the fungi we had spied had either been eaten or the elements had ruined them. Still I continued to get wet and muddy obtaining some images. The trip started in nice bright sunny conditions which helped within the shaded woodland, but the weather soon changed, as it no doubt watched me enter the woods and thought it would darken the skies to make it awkward! It turned very dark under the canopy, which made getting the settings on the camera correct a tad annoying. I photographed a few types of fungus including Candlesnuff Fungi,Bonnet types,Elfcup fungi and a few Bracket fungi. I will try to aim to get out again soon and hope some new specimens have risen.

 Candlesnuff Fungi

 Bonnet type Fungi

 Bracket Fungi's 

 Root Rot Fungi

 Russet Toughshank (?)
 Elfcup Fungus

 Candlesnuff Fungi