A diary of my wildlife encounters.
By Mike Lawrence
Biggleswade Common. August 2010.
I spent a couple of hours with the Red Backed Shrike from first light. Once the sun had risen enough it appeared on bushes near the railway line sunning itself before becoming more mobile.
But as the image below shows it thought it was still a bit too early so just a tad more sleep was in order.
It was not fazed by the trains going past either, its not until you actually get close views that you see how small a bird they are, but a lovely group of birds none the less.
The image above is not of it about to bring up a pellet but it was actually yawning, time for another nap?, no a stretch of the wings and I'll be fine.
The background colour of the image below was from a passing train. After some time it became more awake and more elusive whilst searching for food so I left pleased with a few shots in the bag.