A diary of my wildlife encounters.
By Mike Lawrence
ROSS'S GULL. LYTHAM,LANCS. APRIL '08. An early start on the road to get the ross's, the run was a good one until i turned off the M6 and then got lost. Dont ever use AA route planner, none of the info i printed off meant anything as to the actual road, turn right at the lights take the 2nd exit..... never bloody again. Eventually i got there and as predicted it rained but it looked like clearing as they said. There was no sign of the ross's so i moved up and down the coast in the hope of tracking it down. I met up with 3 blokes from Northamptonshire and we set about looking for it. Then came news on the pager of it being seen only just where we'd been, so back to the cars and we then saw some birders watching it in Grannys bay. Over the next couple of hours it was to give good views to us all and was very photogenic giving everyone at least a couple of decent shots. At one stage whilst i was kneeling on the grass photographing, it calmly walked past me just a couple of feet away, what a lovely bird it was. What i noticed was how dark the eye was in viewing it, it didnt really matter whether the sun was shinning into it or not, the wings were long and dragged in the mud like a cape sometimes when it found itself in softer terrain, and the pink flush was evident too. A cracking little beauty and a new tick for me aswell, i wasnt bothered about the journey home now.