Titchwell.Norfolk. 9th November 2010.
I headed to Titchwell knowing that the weather was bound to be a bit 'iffy', but I just had to get out and practice my photography. The wind was stronger than I had expected and predicted, with a few heavy showers mixed in. On arrival the tide was in and raining so I hunkered down in the dune ridge. This sheltering and then photographing continued but I still enjoyed being out.
As I set off along the path to the front my first sighting was a ring tailed Hen Harrier leaving the marsh and heading inland, and as usual before it was light. The Brent geese were actively feeding and moving around once it was light enough, this flock above had a Pale bellied type mixed in (second from the rear).
There were quite a few Grey Plovers around and indeed a lot more waders than on my last visit.
Bar tailed Godwits were numerous and quite approachable after careful stalking.
There were frequent 'fly by's' of waders, even flying into the strong winds did not seem to slow these birds down, and still proved a challenge to pan with.
And low above the water amongst the incoming waves just seemed to be a walk in the park as it were for the small waders.
The Grey Plovers never really feed as busily as the other waders, always more alert and aware of their surroundings.
The Bar tailed Godwits being bigger than the other waders tended to pass slightly slower into the wind and so were easier to grab a few passing shots, as they moved from one feeding patch to another.
This female Red Breasted Merganser ventured close along the shoreline, a couple of males were seen further out.

The Sanderlings proved most obliging as always, and definitely had a job running in a straight line whilst hampered by the strong winds.
I finished up after nearly six hours out and now wet and cold but glad I had ventured out. It was time for a cuppa and something to eat.