Feeding Station. Nov', Dec' 2010.
Over the last week or so I have just gone down to the farm to spend some time on the feeders. What with the cold snap hitting everywhere at least I didn't have to battle the elements trying to drive too far. There were very good numbers of birds there too. All eagerly tucking in and I'm now having to check them around 3 days apart as the seed is disappearing fast.
The Marsh Tit was still there which was great to see, and most species were hitting double numbers. Greenfinches were mostly younger birds but there were a couple of bright males putting on a show. I had just one Yellowhammer put in a brief appearance before departing, hopefully if the cold snap continues I may get some in along with Reed Buntings. These two buntings are normally hanging around but not so this year, as of yet!
The Long tailed tits are a joy to watch. A lone bird arriving calling signals the onslaught of 'the gang'. I have 16+ visiting at the moment, the air is full of their calls and then after a matter of minutes, if that, they move on and silence reigns once again.

There are double figures of Blue tits and Great tits which do not venture far whilst I am refilling or moving perches. Normally the Marsh tit still comes to feed whilst I'm present followed by a couple of brave Blue tits. The Marsh tit is still tricky to photograph, normally taking a direct route into the food and definitely not bothered by the more bolshy bigger birds.

But the best new species of the moment has to be the Tree Sparrow, ( well 5 to be correct ). I had seen one bird lingering around in the background but not venturing to the front or the feeders, but on this occasion I had at least two at one time feeding alongside everything else and normally one not too far away watching. What a great sight seeing these birds around the feeding station for the first time, hopefully they will stay knowing there is a food supply here for them. They blend in so well amongst the bushes and branches despite their richly coloured heads, giving themselves up only when they move in closer. So another fantastic addition alongside all the usual suspects, maybe another one will be along soon.