If upon leaving my house you were to smell 'Dung heaps' then that can only mean I'm back down the dumps again. Its amazing how long the smell lingers for when I have driven through slurry draining off the heaps. But its something Ive gotten used to. And the rewards of returning Wheatears are too tempting to resist. And they put on a show for sure, sometimes they were too close to focus so I just watched as they dived on insects. I really love visiting these places, its been some years now and it still drags me back for just a few more hundred images. Unfortunately the Yellow wagtails were too busy chasing one another but to be honest once my eye was on the Wheatears I might of missed the wags'. There were a few Hares running around the crop fields but I was not able to stop and try for a image. Hopefully I will have a lot more terrific encounters in the next few months to come. And it was nice to meet up with good friend Nigel Blake whom I hadn't seen for some time, and as in previous years I knew I would probably be seeing more of him than my wife on some days now these dumps had come to life... sorry Sarah.