Took a walk around with Sarah, noting what was about. Only took my scope and bins this time though, looking at a spot for Kingfisher fingers crossed. The first sight that was noticeable were the 150 or so Greylags in the grass field adjacent to the A1, in the same field a 100 or so flock of Skylarks were feeding too. There were quite a few Teal around, noticeably vacant last time, and there was no sign of the green Sandpiper on this visit. Species seen: Greylag&Canada geese,Mute swan,Shoveler,Black headed gull,Common gull,Little grebe,Jackdaw,Mallard,Coot,Pochard,Tufted duck,Teal,Gadwall,Green woodpecker,Magpie,Song thrush,Long tailed tit,Blackbird,Moorhen,Carrion crow,Pied wagtail,Dunnock,Lapwing,Muntjac deer.