With the weather not great, cold and grey, I decide to just take my scope and my digi camera. I had not used the camera for years and realising I couldnt remember any settings I opted to try a short video clip, hopefully the links will take you to the footage. The first new addition for the year was a single Shelduck on the main lake, it didnt hang around for long mind you. My second attempt to video was of a snipe, I was hoping it was a Jack Snipe considering the bobbing up and down whilst feeding the video clip shows this and not noticed snipe moving like this before, but the crown stripe and long bill put a stop to those thoughts. The temperature did not rise at all and after logging all I could see I made my way to the car and home for a cuppa.
Bird Species seen: Shelduck,Shoveler,Teal,Coot,Pochard,Tufted duck,Black headed gull,Little grebe,Mute Swan,Gadwall,Common gull,Greylag geese,Mallard,Lapwing,Pheasant,Stock Dove,Woodpigeon,Blue tit,Great tit,Blackbird,Chaffinch,Dunnock,Carrion crow,Jackdaw,Wren,Snipe,Song thrush,Moorhen,Wigeon,Green woodpecker,Yellowhammer,Pied wagtail.