After not being able to get to see the 'LB' the week before it looked like the bird had moved on. Then news came through it was seen again at titchwell, so an early morning start to arrive in torrential rain didnt look good but i covered up my camera and lens with my poncho and off i went. One other birder appeared and then the rain started to ease off. Another birder arrived and then the wait started. It wasnt too long before we saw the 'bittern' in flight and it seemed to land fairly close by. So we all repositioned ourselves and no sign but the bird then started to call and what a weird call too. I can only describe it as an aging old dog barking softly, it was weird. And then it appeared from nowhere even closer climbing some reeds. What a stunning little bird, in a panic i clicked away some record shots and then it flew off out into the reed bed further away but still showing. Everyone was well happy having seen it so well, and a new tick for me too.

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