March 2007.
March was a busy month and i covered a lot of local sites. My first port of call was the local barn owls, and sure enough they were in the same area again but the light at this time of year ends very quickly and so i only had a small window of opportunity to photograph them. This was hampered also by a pair of kestrels which had set up territory in the same area, and on a couple of occasions i saw one of the kestrels take the food that the barn owl had just caught. So this seemed to make the owls come out later when there was less chance of a confrontation, but made photography out of the question. Hopefully later on as the summer gets under way ill get lucky.
A visit to a RSPB site in cambridgeshire for kingfishers drew a blank as there was a lot more area for them to fish now management work had been carried out on the reserve, so i decided to look for deer to photograph instead. And even though i found some deer and grabbed some record photos the highlight were a couple of buzzards soaring overhead trying to gain height on a thermal. It was a fantastic out of the blue chance and it wasnt long before my memory card was full and the birds had gained too much height and drifted away over farmland. And a couple of the results werent too bad either, capped off by a treecreeper staying still long enough to photograph i had had an excellent morning.
At a local site i visit some early waders had arrived , these were Ringed plover. So an early morning visit to avoid dog walkers was in order. I set up and kept low whilst camouflaged near to them and then waited in the hope that they would move closer to my position. After a few hours i got lucky and grabbed a few shots.

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