Tufted Duck
I took a morning stroll around broom before it got too hot to lug my gear around. As it turned out the sky was cloudy and took a while before the sun started to break through. There were good numbers of tufted duck on the first pit and no sign of the little grebes this year although they were on the larger pit.

I spotted reed, sedge warbler, common and lesser whitethroat but was unable to get any images, there were good numbers of the commoner species and the common terns were vocal as usual. There were good numbers of damselfly and dragonfly about and very active in the now increasing heat.
Common Blue Damselflies
Blue Tit

Six Spot Burnet
On the furthest working i got some lesser black backed gulls but no waders except a pair of oystercatcher flying over, it turned out mostly an insect walk but still enjoyable. Now the sky had cleared and the temperature risen i headed back off home.
Black Tailed Skimmer.(f)
Black Tailed Skimmer.(m)
Common Darters